Every day, more than half a million content creators go live on Twitch. What’s even more impressive: at any given moment, there are over a million fans who’re engaging with these content creators. Add other platforms like Mixer, Youtube, and dLive to these statistics and you’ll realize how big this scene is.
However, all these mediums have the same problem: Trolls – An anonymous person who deliberately tries to disrupt, attack, offend or generally cause trouble within the community. They have the ability to turn a relaxed and friendly place-to-be into a very toxic and hostile environment.
With the rise of Twitch users, there is more competition and therefore more trolls and dirty tactics in pursuit of success. Some people even suggest that a toxic environment is “just how the gaming community is” and that every content creator who opens up to the internet should “have a thick skin”.
Below we provide you with a list of basic streaming guidelines that you should keep in mind while visiting a stream or while broadcasting yourself, which could actually improve the vibe around you as a streamer and might even help you fight off these trolls.
Create meaningful connections
The main tip we can give you while visiting a stream is very easy and straightforward: Aim to create meaningful connections. Stumble upon a random stream and don’t just network with bigger streamers because you’re “supposed” to. Engage with broadcasters because you love their content and because you want to build a long-lasting and real relationship. You’ll want to surround yourself with friendly individuals and like-minded friends.
Show your support
We realize that some viewers prefer to lurk during a stream, but there are a few small tips we’d like to bring your attention that might pay it forward and can brighten up a streamers day:
- Host them.
- Tell people about them. You probably know people who play the same game and aren’t streaming in this very moment.
- Talk and engage. The main reason why people stick to a stream is because of the community. It’s very refreshing to drop into a stream where you’re not only engaging with a host, but with an entire community. Try to reach to the stream, answer questions from the streamer and greet new chatter. Small effort, but a big impact!
Believe me, people who are creating a good vibe and a cozy atmosphere will be remembered and respected far longer than regular lurkers or annoying trolls.
Basic guidelines for live-streams
As a streamer, you have to face the fact that you’re building your own personal brand, which requires to create a positive personal impact and a pleasant atmosphere. You can achieve this by sticking to these basics guidelines:
- Be part of the community. We can’t emphasize enough on this; Talk, engage and host!
- Read the rules. Most streamers have the same rules for their live-stream, which are probably mentioned by a bot as soon as you enter the chat. Read them and follow them!
- Don’t argue. You shouldn’t get into an argument online because it’s stupid, it wastes time, and it can leave you with a throbbing headache. Besides; what’s the last time you won an argument over the internet and felt better due to this?
- Don’t gossip. Don’t gossip about streamers inside another streamer his chat, even if they are friends. It’s rude and will only damage your personal brand.
- Don’t spam. Never advertise your own channel or ask to be hosted by a streamer. People will probably check you out if you’re creating a positive vibe and making meaningful connections. People will probably start to hate you if all you do is advertise your channel.
- Don’t provoke spam. You might recognize a streamer from another channel in chat, please don’t ask them when they are going live next. This can only create awkward moments for everyone.
- Don’t call lurkers out. You’ll probably see some people who’re lurking in your stream. They have probably chosen to lurk, so don’t call them out!
- Don’t bring drama. The broadcaster is here to play games and bring joy to their community. Don’t take the attention from him with your problems by complaining about your rough day.
- Don’t comment on the viewer counter. Literally, every streamer realizes how many viewers they have, refrain from commenting on this. This will only create irritation and creates pressure.
- Refrain from backseat gaming. You’re watching a live-stream, this means you shouldn’t make a remark on every move the broadcaster is making. Sit back and relax.
- Don’t ask for other games. Every channel has its own title accompanying their stream, it will almost always tell you what the broadcaster is playing meaning that he actually picked this game. Don’t ever ask him to play a different game because you don’t like it.
4 types of toxic people and how to spot them
Even if it hasn’t happened yet, at some point you’re bound to have come across a person who’s creating a toxic vibe in your community and fits this description. Dealing with them can be very difficult and draining, to say the least.
- Trolls. These are anonymous people with almost no followers who’ll join your stream to get a kick out of annoying you and your community. Their main goal is to provoke a reaction but won’t go as far as actually breaking the chat rules.
- Drama Queen. People who are – intentionally or unintentionally – taking attention away from the stream and chat onto themselves. They complain that they are having a rough day, which can be blatantly made up to get sympathy from the streamer and chat.
- The “Best friend”. This is someone who gets along with the streamer and supports them, but anyone else in chat? Not a chance. They make rude comments, start arguments, and give everyone the feeling that they aren’t welcomed.
- The “Pushy friends”. This user sees you playing a multiplayer game and automatically assumes they deserve to play with you. They’ll send you a friend request and won’t understand why you won’t play with them.
How to deal with toxicity?
Did someone pop into your head as we explained these toxic personality types? If you have someone in your stream whom you dread seeing, who doesn’t respect your opinions, or makes you feel bad about yourself in any way, then you need to act.
It’s your channel, and it sounds like these people are only attending your stream because they want to create a toxic vibe. These people aren’t adding value to your stream and people arguing with you aren’t worth keeping just for the extra views.
You’ll lose more potential viewers who come in, see the drama in chat, and leave. As soon as someone steps beyond the bounds of what you want in your community, warn and/or ban. It’s better to start shaping your community from the start rather than trying to fix entrenched issues later!