How to leverage Instagram Stories to showcase your work

Since the launch of Instagram stories in 2016, the feature has mostly been used to document small glimpses of people’s lives; what they eat, drink, see and where they go. However – as always – there are early adopters and creative minds who are forward-thinking and use the instagram stories to showcase their expertise work and build their community.


Tell a story
The goal behind your social media presence is to make sure people enjoy the story, making them notice your brand and research your products. This could be done by creating behind the scenes content: Showing how you experience an event, edit a photo, record a CD, prepare food, etc.

Stay Credible
It’s important to be aware of your boundaries and to know the difference between stretching yourself for growth and allowing others to push you past your comfort zone. Draw a line in the sand, and take a stand.

Provide value
One of the key features about Instagram Stories is that it only hosts your photo or video content for 24 hours before it gets deleted. This is the perfect opportunity for you to create urgency and offer them exclusive content. For example, offering a discount code via stories creates an automatic deadline that your customers have to meet, otherwise they will miss out on it!

Get creative
Instagram Stories are very popular, with over 200 million people using the feature every day. You’ll have to be creative with your stories if you’d like to stand out and get noticed!

Keep reading the article for some inspiration for good uses that others have come up with.

Plan ahead
If you want to keep your content consistent then it’s imperative for you to get organized and to plan ahead. If your thoughts and ideas are all over the place and you’re rushing to not only come up with new ideas but also to create at the last minute, you’re bound to just become frustrated. It is vital to present your social media accounts as one consistent brand.


  1. Select custom colors by long-hold any of the color options
  2. Create a text-shadow by placing the same text in another color over each other
  3. Color fill your screen, by selecting the pen-option and holding the screen for 3 seconds after selecting a color
  4. Zoom during videos by sliding your finger up and down the screen while recording
  5. Mention people in stories without anyone noticing by putting a textblock over the tag


We’ve done some scouting and selected 3 trendsetters who should inspire you.


The Belgian illustrator and cartoonist is showcasing his work via Instagram Stories and used the “next” function to its advantage. He created a boxing match with his fans, where he received a punch every time someone tapped the screen.

How To Leverage Instagram Stories To Showcase Your Work


With more than 600 million monthly active users, Instagram offers great opportunities for photographers to build an audience of dedicated fans to build an interest in your work, connect with other photographers, find potential clients, get published and get feedback to improve your work.

The Belgian photographer Nathan Dobbelaere uses the stories to showcase his photography skills and his editing skills. He starts from the original photo, taken from the camera and for every adjustment he does to the picture, he adds a story to explain what he did.. showing us his editing breakdown.

How To Leverage Instagram Stories To Showcase Your Work


Mike Crawat, a Belgian car photographer, is offering his followers free phone wallpapers by uploading hi-res photos to his stories. People just have to screenshot them and configure their phones. Easy!